Why to GO ALONE? when we can GO ALONG. Yes, my friend, get the APIs of the vakilgiri.com for YOUR WEBSITE/APP and become the part of the BIGGEST DIGITAL REVOLUTION IN INDIA.


Do you have A WEBSITE/AN APP ON GOOGLE PLAY STORE and UNABLE TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS/ DOWNLOADS? Do you want to not only ATTRACT MORE VIEWS/DOWNLOADS but to EARN more than you currently are WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING from the same WEBSITE/APP? IF YES, then my friend this is for YOU.
Vakilgiri API

What is API (Application Programming Interface)?

Start Earning Handsomely with our API Integration @Rs.1,00,000/-


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API is an acronym and it stands for “Application Programming Interface”. API is actually a series of code that allows two software programs to communicate with each other.

To explain it in a better way, let’s take an example.

A person wants to make a payment for some online purchase but he doesn’t know where to make payment. Here, the API will come in handy. The website will provide you the API of its merchant banker for making the payment for the online purchase. You will click on that API on the website which will redirect you to the merchant banker site from where you can easily make the payment.

Now you get the meaning of API and how it’s used.

But the question is how the API of Vakilgiri will benefit your website/app in terms of customer traffic and downloads?

How you will earn from our APIs?

First, let us give you a short intro about vakilgiri.com and the variety of services provided by us.

Vakilgiri.com is the fastest growing online/ offline platform in India in the field of legal and tax compliances matters such as return filing of income tax and GST, company incorporation, trademark registration, etc. With all these variety of services, your website/app will easily attract traffic as with our APIs your website will become a ONE STOP SOLUTION for every need of a customer.

Benefits of our APIs

Benefits you can't resist

Your Website/ App will become One Stop Solution for everything

With our variety of services ranging from legal consultancy to railway ticket booking, your website will surely become a ONE STOP SOLUTION for every need of the customer.

Free Promotion

Once you purchase our APIs, your website will be shown on our legalcsc.com in the column of our APIs Partners. With our brand, your website/app will not only attract customers but will also develop a sense of trust between the users.

More Active Users for Your Existing Services

With our APIs and free promotion techniques, you will not only get the users for our services but also for your existing services.

Set the Prices as you like

Vakilgiri follows the best standard and practices of the market and due to this we charge fix amount for the services provided by us. Thus, you can charge as much as you want from the customer. All amount above our fix charge is your profit.

Easy commission policy

With our years of experience and knowledge, Vakilgiri has developed a very easy commission policy so that our API partner will get their share as soon as possible.

Life Time Commission

If a customer access our services via your website/app and later reaches us directly or through any other medium, your commission will be paid to you every time he uses our services.

Multi Earning Opportunity

With our APIs, your earnings from your website/app will increase manifolds. You will not only earn from your existing services, our services on commission basis but also from the google ads for increased user traffic on your website.

Only Those Services which you want to show

You already know about the variety of services provided by the Vakilgiri and in case you find it inappropriate to display any of our services on your website/ app, you can remove those services from your website/app very easily.

User Friendly Interface

The interface of the Vakilgiri software is very simple and easy to use. You will find no complaint from your users regarding the accessibility of our services from your website/app.

How customer will use our API especially for legal and tax purposes via your website/app?

7 Simple steps to get started

First the customer will login in your website/app.
Then for our legal and tax related services, he will click on the menu button which was showing on your services column in your website/app.
There, the drop-down menu will open, where he will select the desired service he wants to avail.
After that, he will fill the requisite information in our especially designed query form.
If there is a need of documents to be uploaded by him, the same option will be given to him for uploading such documents.
After successfully submitting the documents and information, the customer has to make the payment via your website. The Invoice will be generated from your website/app. The amount will directly be credited in your account and not ours.
After that our experts will complete the task, and send the relevant documents to the registered email id.
The process will be fully automated and you don’t have to worry at all.

So simple is that. Still having Doubts? Call us @ 7668477033 or you can write to us on sales@vakilgiri.com Our customer support executive will contact you in no time.  

Our Experts will reach you out soon