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All about Proprietorship Firms



Picking up an appropriate legal structure for a business organization is one of the initial steps one has to take when any type of company has to be registered. In some sense, it can be said that a sole proprietorship firm is not a legal entity as it refers to the individual who owns the business firm and is personally responsible for each and every aspect of it. This popular business firm or company can work under the name of the owner pr even a fictional name as long as they abide by the law for all the actions that they take. It is very easy to register a sole proprietorship firm and has a low amount of capital investment. This is the reason sole proprietorship firm registration online is one of the most important types of companies existing in India today.


Quick Setup :

The setting up of a proprietorship firm registration is very easy as compared to set-up procedures of other types of companies and firms. The individual who wants to register a sole proprietorship firm can do so without filing any tiresome applications or submitting any documents. In some states, the process is, even more, simpler as other types of companies like a private limited company, public limited company or a limited liability partnership have a long procedure. The processing of the applications, approval of the name of the company, the cross-checking of all the information provided through the official documents including PAN, Passport, Aadhaar Card, Electricity bill, etc. can take a lot of time sometimes going up to months. It can be very tiresome and even frustrating for the applicant for a company. The business of a proprietorship firm can run under the legal name of the individual without any problems and much work.

Liability :

The ownership of a sole proprietorship firm registration online lies in the hands of a single owner. This means that he/she has unlimited liability regarding the legal processes and working of the sole proprietorship firm. Any funding loss, capital loss, debt cases, etc. all are the personal problems of the owner. He/she is not answerable to anyone whatsoever as his/her liability is unlimited in a proprietorship firm registration online.

Managers/Partners :

A sole proprietorship firm can only have one owner and no partners whatsoever in all legality. There are no additional directors, managers, or partners in a proprietorship firm as according to the law, the owner of this kind of firm is the sole director and manager himself/herself. The owner need not have to answer to any higher power which is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of a sole proprietorship firm registration online.


Aadhar Card :

Aadhar card is the most important document required for sole proprietorship firm registration and for proving one’s identity in India. To register a sole proprietorship firm, one needs to submit their Aadhar card along with other documents. Either you can submit a hard copy of your Aadhar card or you can get a printout of your E-Aadhar card and submit it. Both these forms are legal and necessary documentation for filing for a proprietorship firm.

PAN card :

After complete verification of a PAN card, it is to be submitted to the officials when filing for the registration of a sole proprietorship firm. PAN card is so important because it is a necessary document for filing of Income Tax Return. Every firm and company including the sole proprietorship firm registration has to pay their income tax annually and for this, a PAN card is a must. So, the owner of the proprietorship firm has to submit his PAN card along with his Aadhar card when registering for the same.

Registered office address :

The first step towards starting a sole proprietorship firm registration online is to have a registered office space to work in. If your workspace is a rented one, you need to get a No Objection Agreement (NOC) from your landlord and submit it along with the correct address details to the concerned office. If you own the place in which you are going to start your business, you need to produce some kind of address proof before the law. Electricity bills, phone bills, or ration cards can work as address proof but it should not be more than 2 months old. After successful submission of these address proofs of the registered office, verification is done by the officials before giving you a nod to exercise your business activities.

Shop and establishment act licence :

This is a document that is not mandatory in many places in India. The shop and establishment act license is based on the number of employees the firm has and it is provided to the sole proprietorship firm by the municipal party of the state. This license can benefit your proprietorship in getting loans easily.

Small and Medium enterprise :

The certificate of the small and medium enterprises provided under the MSME act of the government can also be attained. It is not a compulsory document to make a proprietorship firm up and working but it might aid a firm owner when he/she has to apply for any form of loan for their sole proprietorship firm.


Affordable set-up process :

It is easy to register a sole proprietorship firm because all the other types of companies and firms have long procedures and these procedures might take a lot of time from weeks to months. The other forms of business structures require a decent amount of money to start off the set-up process but this is not the case for a proprietorship firm. A firm with a sole proprietor is very cheap and easy on pockets to set up and it can be up and running within a short span of time. Less paperwork, less amount of time involved, and even low initial capital investment.

Tax benefits :

The sole proprietorship company registration does not need to file its own income tax returns claiming to be a separate company. Instead, the owner can show the capital benefits and gains to be his personal as he/she is the sole owner of the firm. This way the income tax that is levied upon is less than the tax which gets levied upon the other forms of business structures and firms. The sole proprietorship company is always taxed for income tax on the basis of individual tax rates and not according to the income tax rates of a business corporation and firm.

Control :

The owners of a sole proprietorship registration are in full control of their company and its management and working. There is no partner of such a firm and the owner is responsible for every action of the company and its growth and fall. He/she does not have to share their power and management powers with anyone else. This ensures that the owner of a proprietorship firm makes all the decisions without any problems or involvement of any third party. They can shape up their business in whichever way they want and they are not answerable to anyone.


Liabiltiy :

The individual owner’s financial assets are directly affected if his/her business suffers from any debt or financial problems. It is a risk to apply for a sole proprietorship firm registration because, in order to pay for any debts that are up against your firm, your personal assets like savings, house, property, and even cars, etc can be used to pay up your firm’s debts. In case a proprietorship firm is in danger and is about to lose its assets, the owner of this firm can also lose his personal assets.

Raising Capital :

The initial capital raising and the money that has to be invested in the initial stages has to be done by the owner of the proprietorship firm. Loans are also very difficult to get sanctioned for a proprietorship firm as they will only be sanctioned in the name of the owner and not the firm which is a difficult process altogether. It requires enough credit on the part of the owner of the proprietorship firm to get a loan for the initial capital investment in the firm.

Business continuity :

If the owner of the proprietorship dies or departs, the continuity of the business ends. The business ceases to exist when the owner who is also the sole proprietorship of the firm dies, the money and all the assets related to the business also cease to exist on their own. The money which is subjected to the inheritance taxes can also have a great impact on the people working under the proprietorship firm.

Must Know Registrations:

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